Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Open Letter to Incoming History Students

My expectations for this class was to do a lot of reading from our textbooks, and a lot of projects. I also thought that this class would be difficult and that I wouldn't learn that much.

The difference between what I expected and what I experienced was a little different. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it wasn't too easy either. I found out that our teacher Mr. Blas the most chill teacher you will ever have unless you don't listen. If you listen and do what you are supposed to do it will be fun and easy. I expected that I wouldn't do so well in this class and at first I was doing well then I started falling behind and almost had an F but then he caught me and started helping me to get my grade back up. It is the last week of school and I did a few things yesterday and got my grade from a low B to an A in less than a day, so its not that hard to get your grade up in this class, and I thought it would be hard but it wasn't at all.

The one most important thing I learned in this class was nothing, there wasn't only one most important thing I learned, there was a lot and it would take up half my blog page, if I tried to tell you so one of the things I learned was about Gandhi and how against imperialism he was, but he wasn't a violent type of person.

I think if I could have done anything differently to have a better experience it would be to do all of my work in the beginning and try not to miss any assignments, and if I did miss an assignment I would make it up.

I think you could achieve more success by doing the extra credit he gives you even if you don't want to, you should because you may miss an assignment or you may not get a good grade on an assignment and that extra credit will help your grade.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Causes of WW2

The main causes of WW2 were appeasement, bad feelings left from the first world war, and the Treaty of Versailles.

Life after WW1

After WWI there were many negatives and positives. Some of the negatives were that many people died most soldiers and families that had nothing to do with the war. This also impacted art and the way people thought these were bad because after the war it turned some people insane. The positives were that it gave people such as artists a different view of art giving it a new perspective. Some other reasons to why the war was good; it brought lots of women rights. Women could now vote and work. It also made philosophers think a lot about how humans work and lots of science was discovered such as theory's.

People would question every idea about reason and progress. T.S. Ellioe said "the world was a "waste land" drained of hope and faith. Existentialism believed no meaning to life. Writers and authors got out of Germany and told people what was happening there.

WWI also affected the way art was made. Before the war happend artists would make sure their portraits were perfect and excact to the object they were duplicating. After the war, it messed with lots of artists head this made them start drawing and painting their thoughts and what was going on inside. Piccaso created cubism and he would use it a lot in his art their was also doli who created surilism. Artists, depicty the inner world of emotion and imagination rather than realistic. Pablo Picasso, Cubism in 1907 natural shapes into geometric forms. Surrealism movement to link dreams to real life.

There were many things that WWI effected but another was science and how it was seen. many philosophers saw different theory's. Albert Einstein was one of them he created the thoery of relativity.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The United States gets in on WW1

Woodrow Wilson was the president of the United States. He did not want his country in WW1. He said No "Remain neutral in thought as well as dead." He also didn't want to lose international trading rights. In 1916 his presidential slogan was, "He kept us out of the war."

The U.S was led into war by many things such as Economic ties with Britain and France-war time trade and U.S financing of allied effort. Ethnic loyalties. And Native born Americans (not Indians) favored Britain and France victories. British war and they feared Propaganda.

The U.S. did not have a problem funding the war because while everyone else was fighting in the war they were getting rich. They had money for funding the military. They also had a National Security League.

The Americans used the Zimmerman Telegram. The Americans liked the Russian revolution. Russia had unrestricted submarine warfare. Wilson said, "The world must be made safe for democracy." There were voluntary efforts to conserve food for soldiers. People were put in jail if they were disloyal or made abusive remarks.

Their were 2.8 million draftees, and 2.9 volunteers. 400,000 served, few officers. Blacks hoped for equal rights at home (but no). 2 million were sent to Europe. Women took the jobs that men had. Mexicans left Mexico and took jobs. They got soldiers to fight in the war by offering things that the people thought they would receive and the same for blacks who would join the war.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

World War 1

World War 1 isn't the only name, it has at least 2 other names. The Great War. The War to end all Wars.

A generation of Europeans were killed and civilian casualties. All together 14 million people died. 2 million Germans, 1.7 million Russians. Austria-Hungary lost half a million and 3 million wounded. Great Britain lost 900,000, Italy lost 400,000, the Turks lost 350,000, 45,000 Serbians died, and the United States lost 53,000.

The whole war together cost about $190 billion dollars. United States $22,625,2253,000. Great Britain $35,334,012,000. France $24,265,583,000. Russia $22,293,950,000. Italy $12,413,998,000. Belgium $1,154,468,000. Serbia $399,400,000. Germany $37,775,000,000. Austria-Hungary
$20,622,960,000. Turkey $1,430,000,000. Bulgaria $815,200,00. There are many more but these are the main countries you here about. But that amount was in 1914 dollars.

Europeans were propersus and peaceful. Major powers had not had a war for 100 years. In 1893 the major powers had a Celebration in Chicago to promote more peace. The Europeans also thought that the summer of 1914 was beautiful and some thought that they should be happy to be alive. They also had modern sanitation.

In the summer of 1914 on June 28th Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were murder while they were in Serbia in the city of Sarajevo. That is why Austria declared war on Serbia, and when the why happened. July 28th 1914 the Austrians got their revenge.

Kaiser Wilhelm II was insecure and unstable. He thought that Germany deserved a massive empire. He also said that Germany was way ahead technologically and was the mightiest country. He thought that Germany deserved more.

Der Tag, means "The Day," the day when Germany would defeat all its enemies. August 1, 1914 Der Tag came, Germany and then Russia two days later declared war on France. On the 4th of August Germany invaded Belgium.

Causes of World War 1


About 30 years before the 1900's and leading into the 1900's Europe was at peace.  The Europeans thought that war was in the past.

Imperialism is when a stronger country takes over a weaker country. A stronger country is like Europe taking over a weaker country like Asia. Militarism is when a country believes that they should keep a strong military. 2) The Rise of Nationalism, Included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France. 3) Bad Alliances, An example of a bad alliance is Great Britain and Germany.

The Triple Alliance, Germany made an alliance with Austria-Hungary in 1879, and Italy joined them 3 years later. The Triple Entente: Great Britain had an alliance with Germany but Britain got so annoyed with Germany that they formed an alliance with France and Russia.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Imperialism in India

Nathuram Vinayak Godse was the sole assassin of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was shot in the chest 3 times at point blank range, on January 30, 1948 in New Delhi. Nathuram approached Gandhi during an evening prayer at 5:15 p.m.. Nathurams motive to kill Gandhi was because he showed more interest to Muslim ways because of fasting on many occasions. Nathuram thought that he was more of a Muslim than a Hindu because of fasting.

The British were the imperialists in India. What made this situation imperialism was that the Indians that didn't agree with Gandhi or his methods wanted to control that and killing Gandhi told them that they would have control.

Mahatma Gandhi used a strategy of fasting unto death for the people to stop fighting the British and fighting and wars between Muslims and Hindus. The only way for India to gain independence is to not fight and to become friends with the British before they left India to be independent.

I think that Gandhi was very successful in getting India to the way it is now. I think that he was successful because he did not want any violence while trying to become independent from the British. He used non-violent methods. He told the people that if they hit you don't hit back, try and get back up, if someone tells you to get off the sidewalk and into the street you can either do as they say and continue even if they hit you.

I think that Gandhi did many things in his life that I could not do and things he did that I don't know about. I think that one of the main things that would be very difficult for me to repeat is standing up and talking to a small amount of people and then talking to thousands of people about non-violence and what they shouldn't do like not fight back. But that they should also rebel but not in a violent way but some people didn't always listen and some police hit them and the groups got mad and ran after them.

The way Gandhi lived was that he first started out wearing a suit and becoming a lawyer. Then he loss the perspective to wear suits and started wearing clothing like Indians but made by the British. Then he started only wearing clothing he made himself and told others to do the same to burn British clothing and only wear homespun. This is important because people now don't do that they buy clothing when they could make their own clothing but most people think that it would take them too long to make their own clothing and that they don't have time to make clothing. But if people stopped working for maybe a year and just bought cloth and yarn and made their own clothes they would be like Gandhi. But no one now a days would be able to live like him and wouldn't have the courage to do what he has done.